Phonon.AudioOutputDeviceModel Class Reference
[phonon module]
Inherits QAbstractListModel.
- __init__ (self, QObject parent = None)
- __init__ (self, list-of-Phonon.AudioOutputDevice data, QObject parent = None)
- QVariant data (self, QModelIndex index, int role = Qt.DisplayRole)
- bool dropMimeData (self, QMimeData data, Qt.DropAction action, int row, int column, QModelIndex parent)
- Qt.ItemFlags flags (self, QModelIndex index)
- QMimeData mimeData (self, list-of-QModelIndex indexes)
- QStringList mimeTypes (self)
- list-of-Phonon.AudioOutputDevice modelData (self)
- AudioOutputDevice modelData (self, QModelIndex index)
- moveDown (self, QModelIndex index)
- moveUp (self, QModelIndex index)
- bool removeRows (self, int row, int count, QModelIndex parent = QModelIndex())
- int rowCount (self, QModelIndex parent = QModelIndex())
- setModelData (self, list-of-Phonon.AudioOutputDevice data)
- Qt.DropActions supportedDropActions (self)
- int tupleIndexAtPositionIndex (self, int positionIndex)
- list-of-int tupleIndexOrder (self)
Detailed Description
Method Documentation
AudioOutputDeviceModel.__init__ (self, QObject parent = None)
The parent argument, if not None, causes self to be owned by Qt instead of PyQt.
AudioOutputDeviceModel.__init__ (self, list-of-Phonon.AudioOutputDevice data, QObject parent = None)
The parent argument, if not None, causes self to be owned by Qt instead of PyQt.
QVariant (self, QModelIndex index, int role = Qt.DisplayRole)
bool AudioOutputDeviceModel.dropMimeData (self, QMimeData data, Qt.DropAction action, int row, int column, QModelIndex parent)
QMimeData AudioOutputDeviceModel.mimeData (self, list-of-QModelIndex indexes)
QStringList AudioOutputDeviceModel.mimeTypes (self)
list-of-Phonon.AudioOutputDevice AudioOutputDeviceModel.modelData (self)
AudioOutputDeviceModel.moveDown (self, QModelIndex index)
AudioOutputDeviceModel.moveUp (self, QModelIndex index)
bool AudioOutputDeviceModel.removeRows (self, int row, int count, QModelIndex parent = QModelIndex())
int AudioOutputDeviceModel.rowCount (self, QModelIndex parent = QModelIndex())
AudioOutputDeviceModel.setModelData (self, list-of-Phonon.AudioOutputDevice data)
Qt.DropActions AudioOutputDeviceModel.supportedDropActions (self)
int AudioOutputDeviceModel.tupleIndexAtPositionIndex (self, int positionIndex)
list-of-int AudioOutputDeviceModel.tupleIndexOrder (self)