QCommonStyle Class Reference
[QtGui module]
The QCommonStyle class encapsulates the common Look and Feel of
a GUI. More...
Inherits QStyle.
- __init__ (self)
- drawComplexControl (self, QStyle.ComplexControl cc, QStyleOptionComplex opt, QPainter p, QWidget widget = None)
- drawControl (self, QStyle.ControlElement element, QStyleOption opt, QPainter p, QWidget widget = None)
- drawPrimitive (self, QStyle.PrimitiveElement pe, QStyleOption opt, QPainter p, QWidget widget = None)
- QPixmap generatedIconPixmap (self, QIcon.Mode iconMode, QPixmap pixmap, QStyleOption opt)
- QStyle.SubControl hitTestComplexControl (self, QStyle.ComplexControl cc, QStyleOptionComplex opt, QPoint pt, QWidget widget = None)
- int pixelMetric (self, QStyle.PixelMetric m, QStyleOption option = None, QWidget widget = None)
- polish (self, QWidget widget)
- polish (self, QApplication app)
- QPalette polish (self, QPalette)
- QSize sizeFromContents (self, QStyle.ContentsType ct, QStyleOption opt, QSize contentsSize, QWidget widget = None)
- QIcon standardIconImplementation (self, QStyle.StandardPixmap standardIcon, QStyleOption option = None, QWidget widget = None)
- QPixmap standardPixmap (self, QStyle.StandardPixmap sp, QStyleOption option = None, QWidget widget = None)
- int styleHint (self, QStyle.StyleHint sh, QStyleOption option = None, QWidget widget = None, QStyleHintReturn returnData = None)
- QRect subControlRect (self, QStyle.ComplexControl cc, QStyleOptionComplex opt, QStyle.SubControl sc, QWidget widget = None)
- QRect subElementRect (self, QStyle.SubElement r, QStyleOption opt, QWidget widget = None)
- unpolish (self, QWidget widget)
- unpolish (self, QApplication application)
Detailed Description
The QCommonStyle class encapsulates the common Look and Feel of
a GUI.
This abstract class implements some of the widget's look and
feel that is common to all GUI styles provided and shipped as part
of Qt.
Since QCommonStyle inherits QStyle,
all of its functions are fully documented in the QStyle documentation.
Method Documentation
QCommonStyle.__init__ (self)
Constructs a QCommonStyle.
Reimplemented from QStyle.drawComplexControl().
Reimplemented from QStyle.drawControl().
Reimplemented from QStyle.drawPrimitive().
Reimplemented from QStyle.generatedIconPixmap().
Reimplemented from QStyle.hitTestComplexControl().
Reimplemented from QStyle.pixelMetric().
QCommonStyle.polish (self, QWidget widget)
Reimplemented from QStyle.polish().
QCommonStyle.polish (self, QApplication app)
Reimplemented from QStyle.polish().
Reimplemented from QStyle.polish().
Reimplemented from QStyle.sizeFromContents().
QIcon QCommonStyle.standardIconImplementation (self, QStyle.StandardPixmap standardIcon, QStyleOption option = None, QWidget widget = None)
This method is also a Qt slot with the C++ signature QIcon standardIconImplementation(QStyle::StandardPixmap,const QStyleOption * = 0,const QWidget * = 0) const.
Reimplemented from QStyle.standardPixmap().
Reimplemented from QStyle.styleHint().
Reimplemented from QStyle.subControlRect().
Reimplemented from QStyle.subElementRect().
QCommonStyle.unpolish (self, QWidget widget)
Reimplemented from QStyle.unpolish().
QCommonStyle.unpolish (self, QApplication application)
Reimplemented from QStyle.unpolish().