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QDeclarativeScriptString Class Reference
[QtDeclarative module]

The QDeclarativeScriptString class encapsulates a script and its context. More...


Detailed Description

The QDeclarativeScriptString class encapsulates a script and its context.

QDeclarativeScriptString is used to create QObject properties that accept a script "assignment" from QML.

Normally, the following QML would result in a binding being established for the script property; i.e. script would be assigned the value obtained from running myObj.value = Math.max(myValue, 100)

 MyType {
     script: myObj.value = Math.max(myValue, 100)

If instead the property had a type of QDeclarativeScriptString, the script itself -- myObj.value = Math.max(myValue, 100) -- would be passed to the script property and the class could choose how to handle it. Typically, the class will evaluate the script at some later time using a QDeclarativeExpression.

 QDeclarativeExpression expr(scriptString.context(), scriptString.script(), scriptStr.scopeObject());

Method Documentation

QDeclarativeScriptString.__init__ (self)

Constructs an empty instance.

QDeclarativeScriptString.__init__ (self, QDeclarativeScriptString)

Copies other.

QDeclarativeContext QDeclarativeScriptString.context (self)

Returns the context for the script.

See also setContext().

QObject QDeclarativeScriptString.scopeObject (self)

Returns the scope object for the script.

See also setScopeObject().

QString QDeclarativeScriptString.script (self)

Returns the script text.

See also setScript().

QDeclarativeScriptString.setContext (self, QDeclarativeContext)

Sets the context for the script.

See also context().

QDeclarativeScriptString.setScopeObject (self, QObject)

Sets the scope object for the script.

See also scopeObject().

QDeclarativeScriptString.setScript (self, QString)

Sets the script text.

See also script().

PyQt 4.10.1 for MacOSCopyright © Riverbank Computing Ltd and Nokia 2012Qt 4.8.4