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QListWidgetItem Class Reference
[QtGui module]

The QListWidgetItem class provides an item for use with the QListWidget item view class. More...



Special Methods

Detailed Description

The QListWidgetItem class provides an item for use with the QListWidget item view class.

A QListWidgetItem represents a single item in a QListWidget. Each item can hold several pieces of information, and will display them appropriately.

The item view convenience classes use a classic item-based interface rather than a pure model/view approach. For a more flexible list view widget, consider using the QListView class with a standard model.

List items can be inserted automatically into a list, when they are constructed, by specifying the list widget:

     new QListWidgetItem(tr("Hazel"), listWidget);

Alternatively, list items can also be created without a parent widget, and later inserted into a list using QListWidget.insertItem().

List items are typically used to display text() and an icon(). These are set with the setText() and setIcon() functions. The appearance of the text can be customized with setFont(), setForeground(), and setBackground(). Text in list items can be aligned using the setTextAlignment() function. Tooltips, status tips and "What's This?" help can be added to list items with setToolTip(), setStatusTip(), and setWhatsThis().

By default, items are enabled, selectable, checkable, and can be the source of drag and drop operations.

Each item's flags can be changed by calling setFlags() with the appropriate value (see Qt.ItemFlags). Checkable items can be checked, unchecked and partially checked with the setCheckState() function. The corresponding checkState() function indicates the item's current check state.

The isHidden() function can be used to determine whether the item is hidden. To hide an item, use setHidden().


When subclassing QListWidgetItem to provide custom items, it is possible to define new types for them enabling them to be distinguished from standard items. For subclasses that require this feature, ensure that you call the base class constructor with a new type value equal to or greater than UserType, within your constructor.

Type Documentation


This enum describes the types that are used to describe list widget items.

Constant Value Description
QListWidgetItem.Type 0 The default type for list widget items.
QListWidgetItem.UserType 1000 The minimum value for custom types. Values below UserType are reserved by Qt.

You can define new user types in QListWidgetItem subclasses to ensure that custom items are treated specially.

See also type().

Method Documentation

QListWidgetItem.__init__ (self, QListWidget parent = None, int type = QListWidgetItem.Type)

The parent argument, if not None, causes self to be owned by Qt instead of PyQt.

Constructs an empty list widget item of the specified type with the given parent. If parent is not specified, the item will need to be inserted into a list widget with QListWidget.insertItem().

This constructor inserts the item into the model of the parent that is passed to the constructor. If the model is sorted then the behavior of the insert is undetermined since the model will call the '<' operator method on the item which, at this point, is not yet constructed. To avoid the undetermined behavior, we recommend not to specify the parent and use QListWidget.insertItem() instead.

See also type().

QListWidgetItem.__init__ (self, QString text, QListWidget parent = None, int type = QListWidgetItem.Type)

The parent argument, if not None, causes self to be owned by Qt instead of PyQt.

Constructs an empty list widget item of the specified type with the given text and parent. If the parent is not specified, the item will need to be inserted into a list widget with QListWidget.insertItem().

This constructor inserts the item into the model of the parent that is passed to the constructor. If the model is sorted then the behavior of the insert is undetermined since the model will call the '<' operator method on the item which, at this point, is not yet constructed. To avoid the undetermined behavior, we recommend not to specify the parent and use QListWidget.insertItem() instead.

See also type().

QListWidgetItem.__init__ (self, QIcon icon, QString text, QListWidget parent = None, int type = QListWidgetItem.Type)

The parent argument, if not None, causes self to be owned by Qt instead of PyQt.

Constructs an empty list widget item of the specified type with the given icon, text and parent. If the parent is not specified, the item will need to be inserted into a list widget with QListWidget.insertItem().

This constructor inserts the item into the model of the parent that is passed to the constructor. If the model is sorted then the behavior of the insert is undetermined since the model will call the '<' operator method on the item which, at this point, is not yet constructed. To avoid the undetermined behavior, we recommend not to specify the parent and use QListWidget.insertItem() instead.

See also type().

QListWidgetItem.__init__ (self, QListWidgetItem other)

Constructs a copy of other. Note that type() and listWidget() are not copied.

This function is useful when reimplementing clone().

This function was introduced in Qt 4.1.

See also data() and flags().

QBrush QListWidgetItem.background (self)

Returns the brush used to display the list item's background.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.2.

See also setBackground() and foreground().

QColor QListWidgetItem.backgroundColor (self)

Qt.CheckState QListWidgetItem.checkState (self)

Returns the checked state of the list item (see Qt.CheckState).

See also setCheckState() and flags().

QListWidgetItem QListWidgetItem.clone (self)

Creates an exact copy of the item.

QVariant QListWidgetItem.data (self, int role)

Returns the item's data for a given role. Reimplement this function if you need extra roles or special behavior for certain roles.

See also Qt.ItemDataRole and setData().

Qt.ItemFlags QListWidgetItem.flags (self)

Returns the item flags for this item (see Qt.ItemFlags).

See also setFlags().

QFont QListWidgetItem.font (self)

Returns the font used to display this list item's text.

See also setFont().

QBrush QListWidgetItem.foreground (self)

Returns the brush used to display the list item's foreground (e.g. text).

This function was introduced in Qt 4.2.

See also setForeground() and background().

QIcon QListWidgetItem.icon (self)

Returns the list item's icon.

See also setIcon() and iconSize.

bool QListWidgetItem.isHidden (self)

Returns true if the item is hidden; otherwise returns false.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.2.

See also setHidden().

bool QListWidgetItem.isSelected (self)

Returns true if the item is selected; otherwise returns false.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.2.

See also setSelected().

QListWidget QListWidgetItem.listWidget (self)

Returns the list widget containing the item.

QListWidgetItem.read (self, QDataStream in)

Reads the item from stream in.

See also write().

QListWidgetItem.setBackground (self, QBrush brush)

Sets the background brush of the list item to the given brush.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.2.

See also background() and setForeground().

QListWidgetItem.setBackgroundColor (self, QColor color)

QListWidgetItem.setCheckState (self, Qt.CheckState state)

Sets the check state of the list item to state.

See also checkState().

QListWidgetItem.setData (self, int role, QVariant value)

Sets the data for a given role to the given value. Reimplement this function if you need extra roles or special behavior for certain roles.

See also Qt.ItemDataRole and data().

QListWidgetItem.setFlags (self, Qt.ItemFlags aflags)

Sets the item flags for the list item to flags.

See also flags() and Qt.ItemFlags.

QListWidgetItem.setFont (self, QFont afont)

Sets the font used when painting the item to the given font.

See also font().

QListWidgetItem.setForeground (self, QBrush brush)

Sets the foreground brush of the list item to the given brush.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.2.

See also foreground() and setBackground().

QListWidgetItem.setHidden (self, bool ahide)

Hides the item if hide is true; otherwise shows the item.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.2.

See also isHidden().

QListWidgetItem.setIcon (self, QIcon aicon)

Sets the icon for the list item to the given icon.

See also icon(), text(), and iconSize.

QListWidgetItem.setSelected (self, bool aselect)

Sets the selected state of the item to select.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.2.

See also isSelected().

QListWidgetItem.setSizeHint (self, QSize size)

Sets the size hint for the list item to be size. If no size hint is set, the item delegate will compute the size hint based on the item data.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.1.

See also sizeHint().

QListWidgetItem.setStatusTip (self, QString astatusTip)

Sets the status tip for the list item to the text specified by statusTip. QListWidget mouseTracking needs to be enabled for this feature to work.

See also statusTip(), setToolTip(), setWhatsThis(), and QWidget.setMouseTracking().

QListWidgetItem.setText (self, QString atext)

Sets the text for the list widget item's to the given text.

See also text().

QListWidgetItem.setTextAlignment (self, int alignment)

Sets the list item's text alignment to alignment.

See also textAlignment() and Qt.AlignmentFlag.

QListWidgetItem.setTextColor (self, QColor color)

QListWidgetItem.setToolTip (self, QString atoolTip)

Sets the tooltip for the list item to the text specified by toolTip.

See also toolTip(), setStatusTip(), and setWhatsThis().

QListWidgetItem.setWhatsThis (self, QString awhatsThis)

Sets the "What's This?" help for the list item to the text specified by whatsThis.

See also whatsThis(), setStatusTip(), and setToolTip().

QSize QListWidgetItem.sizeHint (self)

Returns the size hint set for the list item.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.1.

See also setSizeHint().

QString QListWidgetItem.statusTip (self)

Returns the list item's status tip.

See also setStatusTip().

QString QListWidgetItem.text (self)

Returns the list item's text.

See also setText().

int QListWidgetItem.textAlignment (self)

Returns the text alignment for the list item.

See also setTextAlignment() and Qt.AlignmentFlag.

QColor QListWidgetItem.textColor (self)

QString QListWidgetItem.toolTip (self)

Returns the list item's tooltip.

See also setToolTip(), statusTip(), and whatsThis().

int QListWidgetItem.type (self)

Returns the type passed to the QListWidgetItem constructor.

QString QListWidgetItem.whatsThis (self)

Returns the list item's "What's This?" help text.

See also setWhatsThis(), statusTip(), and toolTip().

QListWidgetItem.write (self, QDataStream out)

Writes the item to stream out.

See also read().

bool QListWidgetItem.__ge__ (self, QListWidgetItem other)

bool QListWidgetItem.__lt__ (self, QListWidgetItem other)

PyQt 4.10.1 for MacOSCopyright © Riverbank Computing Ltd and Nokia 2012Qt 4.8.4