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QTextFormat Class Reference
[QtGui module]

The QTextFormat class provides formatting information for a QTextDocument. More...

Inherited by QTextBlockFormat, QTextCharFormat, QTextFrameFormat and QTextListFormat.



Special Methods

Detailed Description

The QTextFormat class provides formatting information for a QTextDocument.

A QTextFormat is a generic class used for describing the format of parts of a QTextDocument. The derived classes QTextCharFormat, QTextBlockFormat, QTextListFormat, and QTextTableFormat are usually more useful, and describe the formatting that is applied to specific parts of the document.

A format has a FormatType which specifies the kinds of text item it can format; e.g. a block of text, a list, a table, etc. A format also has various properties (some specific to particular format types), as described by the Property enum. Every property has a corresponding Property.

The format type is given by type(), and the format can be tested with isCharFormat(), isBlockFormat(), isListFormat(), isTableFormat(), isFrameFormat(), and isImageFormat(). If the type is determined, it can be retrieved with toCharFormat(), toBlockFormat(), toListFormat(), toTableFormat(), toFrameFormat(), and toImageFormat().

A format's properties can be set with the setProperty() functions, and retrieved with boolProperty(), intProperty(), doubleProperty(), and stringProperty() as appropriate. All the property IDs used in the format can be retrieved with allPropertyIds(). One format can be merged into another using merge().

A format's object index can be set with setObjectIndex(), and retrieved with objectIndex(). These methods can be used to associate the format with a QTextObject. It is used to represent lists, frames, and tables inside the document.

Type Documentation


This enum describes the text item a QTextFormat object is formatting.

Constant Value Description
QTextFormat.InvalidFormat -1 An invalid format as created by the default constructor
QTextFormat.BlockFormat 1 The object formats a text block
QTextFormat.CharFormat 2 The object formats a single character
QTextFormat.ListFormat 3 The object formats a list
QTextFormat.TableFormat 4 The object formats a table
QTextFormat.FrameFormat 5 The object formats a frame
QTextFormat.UserFormat 100  

See also QTextCharFormat, QTextBlockFormat, QTextListFormat, QTextTableFormat, and type().


This enum describes what kind of QTextObject this format is associated with.

Constant Value Description
QTextFormat.NoObject 0  
QTextFormat.ImageObject 1  
QTextFormat.TableObject 2  
QTextFormat.TableCellObject 3  
QTextFormat.UserObject 0x1000 The first object that can be used for application-specific purposes.

See also QTextObject, QTextTable, and QTextObject.format().


This enum describes how page breaking is performed when printing. It maps to the corresponding css properties.

Constant Value Description
QTextFormat.PageBreak_Auto 0 The page break is determined automatically depending on the available space on the current page
QTextFormat.PageBreak_AlwaysBefore 0x001 The page is always broken before the paragraph/table
QTextFormat.PageBreak_AlwaysAfter 0x010 A new page is always started after the paragraph/table

This enum was introduced or modified in Qt 4.2.

The PageBreakFlags type is a typedef for QFlags<PageBreakFlag>. It stores an OR combination of PageBreakFlag values.

See also QTextBlockFormat.pageBreakPolicy(), QTextFrameFormat.pageBreakPolicy(), and PageBreakPolicy.


This enum describes the different properties a format can have.

Constant Value Description
QTextFormat.ObjectIndex 0x0 The index of the formatted object. See objectIndex().

Paragraph and character properties

Constant Value Description
QTextFormat.CssFloat 0x0800 How a frame is located relative to the surrounding text
QTextFormat.LayoutDirection 0x0801 The layout direction of the text in the document (Qt.LayoutDirection).
QTextFormat.OutlinePen 0x810  
QTextFormat.ForegroundBrush 0x821  
QTextFormat.BackgroundBrush 0x820  
QTextFormat.BackgroundImageUrl 0x823  

Paragraph properties

Constant Value Description
QTextFormat.BlockAlignment 0x1010  
QTextFormat.BlockTopMargin 0x1030  
QTextFormat.BlockBottomMargin 0x1031  
QTextFormat.BlockLeftMargin 0x1032  
QTextFormat.BlockRightMargin 0x1033  
QTextFormat.TextIndent 0x1034  
QTextFormat.TabPositions 0x1035 Specifies the tab positions. The tab positions are structs of QTextOption.Tab which are stored in a QList (internally, in a QList<QVariant>).
QTextFormat.BlockIndent 0x1040  
QTextFormat.LineHeight 0x1048  
QTextFormat.LineHeightType 0x1049  
QTextFormat.BlockNonBreakableLines 0x1050  
QTextFormat.BlockTrailingHorizontalRulerWidth 0x1060 The width of a horizontal ruler element.

Character properties

Constant Value Description
QTextFormat.FontFamily 0x2000  
QTextFormat.FontPointSize 0x2001  
QTextFormat.FontPixelSize 0x2009  
QTextFormat.FontSizeAdjustment 0x2002 Specifies the change in size given to the fontsize already set using FontPointSize or FontPixelSize.
QTextFormat.FontFixedPitch 0x2008  
QTextFormat.FontWeight 0x2003  
QTextFormat.FontItalic 0x2004  
QTextFormat.FontUnderline 0x2005 This property has been deprecated. Use QTextFormat.TextUnderlineStyle instead.
QTextFormat.FontOverline 0x2006  
QTextFormat.FontStrikeOut 0x2007  
QTextFormat.FontCapitalization FirstFontProperty Specifies the capitalization type that is to be applied to the text.
QTextFormat.FontLetterSpacing 0x1FE1 Changes the default spacing between individual letters in the font. The value is specified in percentage, with 100 as the default value.
QTextFormat.FontWordSpacing 0x1FE2 Changes the default spacing between individual words. A positive value increases the word spacing by the corresponding pixels; a negative value decreases the spacing.
QTextFormat.FontStyleHint 0x1FE3 Corresponds to the QFont.StyleHint property
QTextFormat.FontStyleStrategy 0x1FE4 Corresponds to the QFont.StyleStrategy property
QTextFormat.FontKerning 0x1FE5 Specifies whether the font has kerning turned on.
QTextFormat.FontHintingPreference 0x1FE6 Controls the use of hinting according to values of the QFont.HintingPreference enum.
QTextFormat.TextUnderlineColor 0x2010  
QTextFormat.TextVerticalAlignment 0x2021  
QTextFormat.TextOutline 0x2022  
QTextFormat.TextUnderlineStyle 0x2023  
QTextFormat.TextToolTip 0x2024 Specifies the (optional) tool tip to be displayed for a fragment of text.
QTextFormat.IsAnchor 0x2030  
QTextFormat.AnchorHref 0x2031  
QTextFormat.AnchorName 0x2032  
QTextFormat.ObjectType 0x2f00  

List properties

Constant Value Description
QTextFormat.ListStyle 0x3000 Specifies the style used for the items in a list, described by values of the QTextListFormat.Style enum.
QTextFormat.ListIndent 0x3001 Specifies the amount of indentation used for a list.
QTextFormat.ListNumberPrefix 0x3002 Defines the text which is prepended to item numbers in numeric lists.
QTextFormat.ListNumberSuffix 0x3003 Defines the text which is appended to item numbers in numeric lists.

Table and frame properties

Constant Value Description
QTextFormat.FrameBorder 0x4000  
QTextFormat.FrameBorderBrush 0x4009  
QTextFormat.FrameBorderStyle 0x4010 See the BorderStyle enum.
QTextFormat.FrameBottomMargin 0x4006  
QTextFormat.FrameHeight 0x4004  
QTextFormat.FrameLeftMargin 0x4007  
QTextFormat.FrameMargin 0x4001  
QTextFormat.FramePadding 0x4002  
QTextFormat.FrameRightMargin 0x4008  
QTextFormat.FrameTopMargin 0x4005  
QTextFormat.FrameWidth 0x4003  
QTextFormat.TableCellSpacing 0x4102  
QTextFormat.TableCellPadding 0x4103  
QTextFormat.TableColumns 0x4100  
QTextFormat.TableColumnWidthConstraints 0x4101  
QTextFormat.TableHeaderRowCount 0x4104  

Table cell properties

Constant Value
QTextFormat.TableCellRowSpan 0x4810
QTextFormat.TableCellColumnSpan 0x4811
QTextFormat.TableCellLeftPadding 0x4814
QTextFormat.TableCellRightPadding 0x4815
QTextFormat.TableCellTopPadding 0x4812
QTextFormat.TableCellBottomPadding 0x4813

Image properties

Constant Value
QTextFormat.ImageName 0x5000
QTextFormat.ImageWidth 0x5010
QTextFormat.ImageHeight 0x5011

Selection properties

Constant Value Description
QTextFormat.FullWidthSelection 0x06000 When set on the characterFormat of a selection, the whole width of the text will be shown selected.

Page break properties

Constant Value Description
QTextFormat.PageBreakPolicy 0x7000 Specifies how pages are broken. See the PageBreakFlag enum.
QTextFormat.UserProperty 0x100000  

See also property() and setProperty().

Method Documentation

QTextFormat.__init__ (self)

Creates a new text format with an InvalidFormat.

See also FormatType.

QTextFormat.__init__ (self, int type)

Creates a new text format of the given type.

See also FormatType.

QTextFormat.__init__ (self, QTextFormat rhs)

Creates a new text format with the same attributes as the other text format.

QTextFormat.__init__ (self, QVariant variant)

QBrush QTextFormat.background (self)

Returns the brush used to paint the document's background.

See also setBackground(), clearBackground(), and foreground().

bool QTextFormat.boolProperty (self, int propertyId)

Returns the value of the property specified by propertyId. If the property isn't of QTextFormat.Bool type, false is returned instead.

See also setProperty(), intProperty(), doubleProperty(), stringProperty(), colorProperty(), lengthProperty(), lengthVectorProperty(), and Property.

QBrush QTextFormat.brushProperty (self, int propertyId)

Returns the value of the property given by propertyId; if the property isn't of QVariant.Brush type, Qt.NoBrush is returned instead.

See also setProperty(), boolProperty(), intProperty(), doubleProperty(), stringProperty(), lengthProperty(), lengthVectorProperty(), and Property.

QTextFormat.clearBackground (self)

Clears the brush used to paint the document's background. The default brush will be used.

See also background(), setBackground(), and clearForeground().

QTextFormat.clearForeground (self)

Clears the brush used to paint the document's foreground. The default brush will be used.

See also foreground(), setForeground(), and clearBackground().

QTextFormat.clearProperty (self, int propertyId)

Clears the value of the property given by propertyId

See also Property.

QColor QTextFormat.colorProperty (self, int propertyId)

Returns the value of the property given by propertyId; if the property isn't of QVariant.Color type, an invalid color is returned instead.

See also setProperty(), boolProperty(), intProperty(), doubleProperty(), stringProperty(), lengthProperty(), lengthVectorProperty(), and Property.

float QTextFormat.doubleProperty (self, int propertyId)

Returns the value of the property specified by propertyId. If the property isn't of QVariant.Double or QMetaType.Float type, 0 is returned instead.

See also setProperty(), boolProperty(), intProperty(), stringProperty(), colorProperty(), lengthProperty(), lengthVectorProperty(), and Property.

QBrush QTextFormat.foreground (self)

Returns the brush used to render foreground details, such as text, frame outlines, and table borders.

See also setForeground(), clearForeground(), and background().

bool QTextFormat.hasProperty (self, int propertyId)

Returns true if the text format has a property with the given propertyId; otherwise returns false.

See also properties() and Property.

int QTextFormat.intProperty (self, int propertyId)

Returns the value of the property specified by propertyId. If the property is not of QTextFormat.Integer type, 0 is returned instead.

See also setProperty(), boolProperty(), doubleProperty(), stringProperty(), colorProperty(), lengthProperty(), lengthVectorProperty(), and Property.

bool QTextFormat.isBlockFormat (self)

Returns true if this text format is a BlockFormat; otherwise returns false.

bool QTextFormat.isCharFormat (self)

Returns true if this text format is a CharFormat; otherwise returns false.

bool QTextFormat.isFrameFormat (self)

Returns true if this text format is a FrameFormat; otherwise returns false.

bool QTextFormat.isImageFormat (self)

Returns true if this text format is an image format; otherwise returns false.

bool QTextFormat.isListFormat (self)

Returns true if this text format is a ListFormat; otherwise returns false.

bool QTextFormat.isTableCellFormat (self)

Returns true if this text format is a TableCellFormat; otherwise returns false.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.4.

bool QTextFormat.isTableFormat (self)

Returns true if this text format is a TableFormat; otherwise returns false.

bool QTextFormat.isValid (self)

Returns true if the format is valid (i.e. is not InvalidFormat); otherwise returns false.

Qt.LayoutDirection QTextFormat.layoutDirection (self)

Returns the document's layout direction.

See also setLayoutDirection().

QTextLength QTextFormat.lengthProperty (self, int propertyId)

Returns the value of the property given by propertyId.

See also setProperty(), boolProperty(), intProperty(), doubleProperty(), stringProperty(), colorProperty(), lengthVectorProperty(), and Property.

list-of-QTextLength QTextFormat.lengthVectorProperty (self, int propertyId)

Returns the value of the property given by propertyId. If the property isn't of QTextFormat.LengthVector type, an empty length vector is returned instead.

See also setProperty(), boolProperty(), intProperty(), doubleProperty(), stringProperty(), colorProperty(), lengthProperty(), and Property.

QTextFormat.merge (self, QTextFormat other)

Merges the other format with this format; where there are conflicts the other format takes precedence.

int QTextFormat.objectIndex (self)

Returns the index of the format object, or -1 if the format object is invalid.

See also setObjectIndex().

int QTextFormat.objectType (self)

Returns the text format's object type.

See also ObjectTypes and setObjectType().

QPen QTextFormat.penProperty (self, int propertyId)

Returns the value of the property given by propertyId; if the property isn't of QVariant.Pen type, Qt.NoPen is returned instead.

See also setProperty(), boolProperty(), intProperty(), doubleProperty(), stringProperty(), lengthProperty(), lengthVectorProperty(), and Property.

dict-of-int-QVariant QTextFormat.properties (self)

Returns a map with all properties of this text format.

QVariant QTextFormat.property (self, int propertyId)

Returns the property specified by the given propertyId.

See also setProperty() and Property.

int QTextFormat.propertyCount (self)

Returns the number of properties stored in the format.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.3.

QTextFormat.setBackground (self, QBrush brush)

Sets the brush use to paint the document's background to the brush specified.

See also background(), clearBackground(), and setForeground().

QTextFormat.setForeground (self, QBrush brush)

Sets the foreground brush to the specified brush. The foreground brush is mostly used to render text.

See also foreground(), clearForeground(), and setBackground().

QTextFormat.setLayoutDirection (self, Qt.LayoutDirection direction)

Sets the document's layout direction to the specified direction.

See also layoutDirection().

QTextFormat.setObjectIndex (self, int object)

Sets the format object's object index.

See also objectIndex().

QTextFormat.setObjectType (self, int atype)

Sets the text format's object type to type.

See also ObjectTypes and objectType().

QTextFormat.setProperty (self, int propertyId, QVariant value)

Sets the property specified by the propertyId to the given value.

See also property() and Property.

QTextFormat.setProperty (self, int propertyId, list-of-QTextLength lengths)

Sets the value of the property given by propertyId to value.

See also lengthVectorProperty() and Property.

QString QTextFormat.stringProperty (self, int propertyId)

Returns the value of the property given by propertyId; if the property isn't of QVariant.String type, an empty string is returned instead.

See also setProperty(), boolProperty(), intProperty(), doubleProperty(), colorProperty(), lengthProperty(), lengthVectorProperty(), and Property.

QTextBlockFormat QTextFormat.toBlockFormat (self)

Returns this format as a block format.

QTextCharFormat QTextFormat.toCharFormat (self)

Returns this format as a character format.

QTextFrameFormat QTextFormat.toFrameFormat (self)

Returns this format as a frame format.

QTextImageFormat QTextFormat.toImageFormat (self)

Returns this format as an image format.

QTextListFormat QTextFormat.toListFormat (self)

Returns this format as a list format.

QTextTableCellFormat QTextFormat.toTableCellFormat (self)

Returns this format as a table cell format.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.4.

QTextTableFormat QTextFormat.toTableFormat (self)

Returns this format as a table format.

int QTextFormat.type (self)

Returns the type of this format.

See also FormatType.

bool QTextFormat.__eq__ (self, QTextFormat rhs)

bool QTextFormat.__ne__ (self, QTextFormat rhs)

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