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QTextOption Class Reference
[QtGui module]

The QTextOption class provides a description of general rich text properties. More...



Detailed Description

The QTextOption class provides a description of general rich text properties.

QTextOption is used to encapsulate common rich text properties in a single object. It contains information about text alignment, layout direction, word wrapping, and other standard properties associated with text rendering and layout.

Type Documentation


Constant Value Description
QTextOption.IncludeTrailingSpaces 0x80000000 When this option is set, QTextLine.naturalTextWidth() and naturalTextRect() will return a value that includes the width of trailing spaces in the text; otherwise this width is excluded.
QTextOption.ShowTabsAndSpaces 0x1 Visualize spaces with little dots, and tabs with little arrows.
QTextOption.ShowLineAndParagraphSeparators 0x2 Visualize line and paragraph separators with appropriate symbol characters.
QTextOption.AddSpaceForLineAndParagraphSeparators 0x4 While determining the line-break positions take into account the space added for drawing a separator character.
QTextOption.SuppressColors 0x8 Suppress all color changes in the character formats (except the main selection).

The Flags type is a typedef for QFlags<Flag>. It stores an OR combination of Flag values.


This enum holds the different types of tabulator

Constant Value Description
QTextOption.LeftTab 0 A left-tab
QTextOption.RightTab 1 A right-tab
QTextOption.CenterTab 2 A centered-tab
QTextOption.DelimiterTab 3 A tab stopping at a certain delimiter-character

This enum was introduced or modified in Qt 4.4.


This enum describes how text is wrapped in a document.

Constant Value Description
QTextOption.NoWrap 0 Text is not wrapped at all.
QTextOption.WordWrap 1 Text is wrapped at word boundaries.
QTextOption.ManualWrap 2 Same as QTextOption.NoWrap
QTextOption.WrapAnywhere 3 Text can be wrapped at any point on a line, even if it occurs in the middle of a word.
QTextOption.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere 4 If possible, wrapping occurs at a word boundary; otherwise it will occur at the appropriate point on the line, even in the middle of a word.

Method Documentation

QTextOption.__init__ (self)

Constructs a text option with default properties for text. The text alignment property is set to Qt.AlignLeft. The word wrap property is set to QTextOption.WordWrap. The using of design metrics flag is set to false.

QTextOption.__init__ (self, Qt.Alignment alignment)

Constructs a text option with the given alignment for text. The word wrap property is set to QTextOption.WordWrap. The using of design metrics flag is set to false.

QTextOption.__init__ (self, QTextOption o)

Construct a copy of the other text option.

Qt.Alignment QTextOption.alignment (self)

Returns the text alignment defined by the option.

See also setAlignment().

Flags QTextOption.flags (self)

Returns the flags associated with the option.

See also setFlags().

QTextOption.setAlignment (self, Qt.Alignment aalignment)

Sets the option's text alignment to the specified alignment.

See also alignment().

QTextOption.setFlags (self, Flags aflags)

Sets the flags associated with the option to the given flags.

See also flags().

QTextOption.setTabArray (self, list-of-float tabStops)

Sets the tab positions for the text layout to those specified by tabStops.

See also tabArray(), setTabStop(), and setTabs().

QTextOption.setTabs (self, list-of-QTextOption.Tab tabStops)

Set the Tab properties to tabStops.

See also tabStop() and tabs().

QTextOption.setTabStop (self, float atabStop)

Sets the default distance in device units between tab stops to the value specified by tabStop.

See also tabStop(), setTabArray(), setTabs(), and tabs().

QTextOption.setTextDirection (self, Qt.LayoutDirection aDirection)

Sets the direction of the text layout defined by the option to the given direction.

See also textDirection().

QTextOption.setUseDesignMetrics (self, bool b)

If enable is true then the layout will use design metrics; otherwise it will use the metrics of the paint device (which is the default behavior).

See also useDesignMetrics().

QTextOption.setWrapMode (self, WrapMode wrap)

Sets the option's text wrap mode to the given mode.

See also wrapMode().

list-of-float QTextOption.tabArray (self)

Returns a list of tab positions defined for the text layout.

See also setTabArray() and tabStop().

list-of-QTextOption.Tab QTextOption.tabs (self)

Returns a list of tab positions defined for the text layout.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.4.

See also tabStop(), setTabs(), and setTabStop().

float QTextOption.tabStop (self)

Returns the distance in device units between tab stops. Convenient function for the above method

See also setTabStop(), tabArray(), setTabs(), and tabs().

Qt.LayoutDirection QTextOption.textDirection (self)

Returns the direction of the text layout defined by the option.

See also setTextDirection().

bool QTextOption.useDesignMetrics (self)

Returns true if the layout uses design rather than device metrics; otherwise returns false.

See also setUseDesignMetrics().

WrapMode QTextOption.wrapMode (self)

Returns the text wrap mode defined by the option.

See also setWrapMode().

PyQt 4.10.1 for MacOSCopyright © Riverbank Computing Ltd and Nokia 2012Qt 4.8.4