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QWebHitTestResult Class Reference
[QtWebKit module]

The QWebHitTestResult class provides information about the web page content after a hit test. More...


Detailed Description

The QWebHitTestResult class provides information about the web page content after a hit test.

QWebHitTestResult is returned by QWebFrame.hitTestContent() to provide information about the content of the web page at the specified position.

Method Documentation

QWebHitTestResult.__init__ (self)

Constructs a null hit test result.

QWebHitTestResult.__init__ (self, QWebHitTestResult other)

Constructs a hit test result from other.

QString QWebHitTestResult.alternateText (self)

Returns the alternate text of the element. This corresponds to the HTML alt attribute.

QRect QWebHitTestResult.boundingRect (self)

Returns the bounding rect of the element.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.5.

QWebElement QWebHitTestResult.element (self)

Returns the underlying DOM element as QWebElement.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.6.

QWebElement QWebHitTestResult.enclosingBlockElement (self)

Returns the block element that encloses the element hit.

A block element is an element that is rendered using the CSS "block" style. This includes for example text paragraphs.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.6.

QWebFrame QWebHitTestResult.frame (self)

Returns the frame the hit test was executed in.

QUrl QWebHitTestResult.imageUrl (self)

Returns the url of the image.

bool QWebHitTestResult.isContentEditable (self)

Returns true if the content is editable by the user; otherwise returns false.

bool QWebHitTestResult.isContentSelected (self)

Returns true if the content tested is part of the selection; otherwise returns false.

bool QWebHitTestResult.isNull (self)

Returns true if the hit test result is null; otherwise returns false.

QWebElement QWebHitTestResult.linkElement (self)

Returns the element that represents the link.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.6.

See also linkTargetFrame().

QWebFrame QWebHitTestResult.linkTargetFrame (self)

Returns the frame that will load the link if it is activated.

See also linkElement().

QString QWebHitTestResult.linkText (self)

Returns the text of the link.

QUrl QWebHitTestResult.linkTitle (self)

Returns the title of the link.

QUrl QWebHitTestResult.linkUrl (self)

Returns the url to which the link points to.

QPixmap QWebHitTestResult.pixmap (self)

Returns a QPixmap containing the image. A null pixmap is returned if the element being tested is not an image.

QPoint QWebHitTestResult.pos (self)

Returns the position where the hit test occured.

QString QWebHitTestResult.title (self)

Returns the title of the nearest enclosing HTML element.

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