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QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration Class Reference
[QtCore module]

The QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration class represents a DTD entity declaration. More...


Special Methods

Detailed Description

The QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration class represents a DTD entity declaration.

An entity declaration consists of a name(), a notationName(), a systemId(), a publicId(), and a value().

Method Documentation

QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration.__init__ (self)

Creates an empty entity declaration.

QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration.__init__ (self, QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration)

Creates a copy of other.

QStringRef QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration.name (self)

Returns the entity name.

QStringRef QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration.notationName (self)

Returns the notation name.

QStringRef QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration.publicId (self)

Returns the public identifier.

QStringRef QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration.systemId (self)

Returns the system identifier.

QStringRef QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration.value (self)

Returns the entity's value.

bool QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration.__eq__ (self, QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration other)

bool QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration.__ne__ (self, QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration other)

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